Wow! I can't believe this is my last post. Yesterday, we finished our last exam and there was a bitter sweet feeling. I am excited to have completed the year, but I am going to miss everyone I met. It's crazy to think about how much of an impact my classmates made in my life in such a short time. I could not have asked for better classmates and colleagues, and I am eager to see each of us excel in our chosen professions.
Since we finished our more time consuming classes in March, this month I was able to volunteer way more frequently. I was able to do Edible School Yard and KIPP more than once a week. Throughout the month, Edible School Yard taught the kids the life cycle of plants. Each week after constructing their life cycle (root --> stem --> leaf --> flower --> fruit--> seed), they were able to eat a different fruit. At the end of the month, the teachers made the kids a shake with the different fruits. It was so good. I am glad I was able to get some. At Kipp, we helped the school get ready for their yearly standardized testing. We had to cover up all boards and posters with words and package little mints with a poem for the students. I am really going to miss volunteering with these two organizations.
BUT all that is left now is to take the MCAT and apply to medical school. It's been a fantastic year! Thanks for reading.
Total Hours: 20.5 Hours
Total Semester Hours: 26 Hours
Total Year Hours: 50 Hours
How I Met Pharmacology
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Sunday, March 31, 2019
I can't believe we are one month closer to the end of the program. So much has happened this month I don't even know where to begin. At the start of the month, we had our Mardi Gras break. I've read lots of blogs on Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the only thing I agreed with is that it is definitely something you have to experience for yourself. The parades were ginormous and I collected so many beads and trinkets they are just taking up their own corner in my room. It was also so nice hanging out with my classmates outside of school to experience our first Mardi Gras together. Besides seeing the parades, I was able to go home for a while to see my friends and family. It was very relaxing seeing and being with them for a little while.
When school returned, we were in full force reviewing for our shelf exam. To be honest, nothing could have truly prepared me for the exam. I felt pretty confident on material we had learned this semester, but last semesters material was a bit more overwhelming, especially focusing on the cancer drugs (since that was one of my weaknesses). Even though we don't know how well we've done on the exam just yet, I am grateful for it so simply be over. Now I can solely focus on stoping my procrastination and studying for the mcat.
This month was a bit more hectic than I had expected it to be, so I did not get to volunteer as much as I wanted to. I am hoping to get way more hours done this coming month, especially with Edible Schoolyard since they have an upcoming evening event.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Year Hours: 29.5 Hours
When school returned, we were in full force reviewing for our shelf exam. To be honest, nothing could have truly prepared me for the exam. I felt pretty confident on material we had learned this semester, but last semesters material was a bit more overwhelming, especially focusing on the cancer drugs (since that was one of my weaknesses). Even though we don't know how well we've done on the exam just yet, I am grateful for it so simply be over. Now I can solely focus on stoping my procrastination and studying for the mcat.
This month was a bit more hectic than I had expected it to be, so I did not get to volunteer as much as I wanted to. I am hoping to get way more hours done this coming month, especially with Edible Schoolyard since they have an upcoming evening event.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Year Hours: 29.5 Hours
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Another month down, and our final rounds of block exams as well! It feels like just yesterday I was moving from Austin to New Orleans. It's crazy to think that in a couple of months, I will be moving back. I don't know if its the final rounds of exams, but I am starting to feel nostalgic and grateful for the program. While I love to sit and reminisce, there is still the shelf exam to come next month.
February was fairly short but pretty packed. I began studying for the MCAT that I am planning to take either in April or May and began volunteering at KIPP and Edible Schoolyard again. In classes, we were taught our last block--psychopharmacology. Mental health have always been important to me, so it was nice to learn about the mechanisms of actions of the disorders and their treatments.
This semester at Edible Schoolyard, I am volunteering with the older grade levels (1st-3rd) as opposed to kinder. My first day back was life cycle day, and 1st and 2nd grade were eager to go out to the garden to look for the different stages of a plant. It was adorable watching them point out a seedlings as opposed to a blossomed flower or fruit. Third grade focused more on the end of the life cycle. They were able to pull out broccoli and cut/shred it for the compost bin. It's funny how hands on kids want to be with the dirt.
On a social note, I am very excited and a little nervous to experience Mardi Gras. I feel like I hear stories of how its usually is, but can't really wrap my mind around it. I guess its more of have to experience it for yourself situation.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Year Hours: 29.5
February was fairly short but pretty packed. I began studying for the MCAT that I am planning to take either in April or May and began volunteering at KIPP and Edible Schoolyard again. In classes, we were taught our last block--psychopharmacology. Mental health have always been important to me, so it was nice to learn about the mechanisms of actions of the disorders and their treatments.
This semester at Edible Schoolyard, I am volunteering with the older grade levels (1st-3rd) as opposed to kinder. My first day back was life cycle day, and 1st and 2nd grade were eager to go out to the garden to look for the different stages of a plant. It was adorable watching them point out a seedlings as opposed to a blossomed flower or fruit. Third grade focused more on the end of the life cycle. They were able to pull out broccoli and cut/shred it for the compost bin. It's funny how hands on kids want to be with the dirt.
On a social note, I am very excited and a little nervous to experience Mardi Gras. I feel like I hear stories of how its usually is, but can't really wrap my mind around it. I guess its more of have to experience it for yourself situation.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Year Hours: 29.5
Thursday, January 31, 2019
This month was quite slow for volunteer hours. I have gotten in communication with Edible Schoolyard and will begin volunteering next week. I am excited to see all the kiddos and especially to hear how their break was. I am also hoping to start volunteering at KIPP next week as well.
On a more social note, Jen and I have been exploring New Orleans like tourists since her father came to town to visit. We took a tour at Mardi Gras World -- "Were everyday is Mardi Gras", and it was so much fun. It was so crazy to see how long and how much work it takes to make the floats.
Total month hours: 0
Semester hours: 0
Year long hours: 24
Friday, November 30, 2018

In class before the break, we had completed the pulmonary block. The amount of information you can pack into a week is quite impressive. Returning from break, we've gone straight into are on our last block-- GI/Neoplasia. I'm eager to finish strong and relax for winter break.
On a community service note, this past month has been my most packed. I continued volunteering at Edible schoolyard and KIPP. The week before break we took the kindergarten class out to the garden to help them identify crops. It was on one of the coldest days here in New Orleans, but the little ones did not care. They loved being outside in the garden even if they were shivering. Edible Schoolyard also had a celebration for its founders/staff/faculty/volunteers a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun registering people and helping them find their seats/food. The event was so beautifully set up and on our breaks, we were even allowed to join in on the celebration! At KIPP, we have been helping organize the different books that have been purchased/donated to the school along with putting up bulletin boards.
Total Month hours: 12.25
Total Semester hours: 24
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
I can't believe another month has come and gone; although, I can't say I'm not thrilled by it. October was more challenging than expected month. In the program, 2/3 of the month was focused on physiology and the autonomic nervous system. Physiology has never been my strong suit, but I definitely would have not considered it one of my weaknesses until now. At the end of the block exam, I had felt a little devastated as I had not done as well as I would have liked; however, it was helpful to know some of my other classmates were eager to help me understand why I was wrong in certain questions. Outside of school, I continued to volunteer with Edible Schoolyard and KIPP leadership. In Kipp, a group of us were able to go around the school and fix bulletin boards, help put up new books, and clear up some of the storage areas. At Edible Schoolyard, I was able to participate in teaching the kindergarten class about zen and relaxation. Seeing the little ones, taking deep breaths and trying to do yoga poses was so adorable. They were also very excited to be able to pick a flower to take with them throughout the rest of the day. On a social note, Jen, Sanjeev, and I went to explore the pharmacy museum. It was so interesting to see how much treatments and drugs have changed. One of the things that stood out the most to us was the treatment for disfigured noses caused by syphilis. One method was by taking a part of the forehead to make a new nose. Overall, October has been a whirlwind of a month, but I am excited for November (especially Thanksgiving).
Total month hours: 7.50
Total semester hours: 11.75 hours
Saturday, September 29, 2018
I am always astonished at how fast time flies. It feels like just yesterday I was packing up to move from Austin to New Orleans, yet I am now officially one month into my Pharmacology program. This past month has been one of the most time consuming, but most fulling, months I've had in a while.
This month I also began volunteering for the Edible School Yard at Samuel Green Charter School. ESY focuses on using a garden to teach its students autonomy, hard-work, and working together. I was placed with the kindergarten and was reminded how much I love volunteering. The kids were so excited to learn how we taste food (grown from their garden) with the different parts of our mouth. Watching their faces as they ate lemons was probably the best moment of this month! I am excited to continue volunteering with them weekly. Besides ESY, I volunteered for the American Cancer Society by helping them set up for their 18th Annual Belles and Beaus Ball. Watching everyone work together for such a great event and seeing the Venue finished, made my Friday quite memorable!
I am excited to see what the next month brings!
September Service Hours: 4.25 hours
Total Service Hours: 4.25 hours
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Wow! I can't believe this is my last post. Yesterday, we finished our last exam and there was a bitter sweet feeling. I am excited to ha...