Wow! I can't believe this is my last post. Yesterday, we finished our last exam and there was a bitter sweet feeling. I am excited to have completed the year, but I am going to miss everyone I met. It's crazy to think about how much of an impact my classmates made in my life in such a short time. I could not have asked for better classmates and colleagues, and I am eager to see each of us excel in our chosen professions.
Since we finished our more time consuming classes in March, this month I was able to volunteer way more frequently. I was able to do Edible School Yard and KIPP more than once a week. Throughout the month, Edible School Yard taught the kids the life cycle of plants. Each week after constructing their life cycle (root --> stem --> leaf --> flower --> fruit--> seed), they were able to eat a different fruit. At the end of the month, the teachers made the kids a shake with the different fruits. It was so good. I am glad I was able to get some. At Kipp, we helped the school get ready for their yearly standardized testing. We had to cover up all boards and posters with words and package little mints with a poem for the students. I am really going to miss volunteering with these two organizations.
BUT all that is left now is to take the MCAT and apply to medical school. It's been a fantastic year! Thanks for reading.
Total Hours: 20.5 Hours
Total Semester Hours: 26 Hours
Total Year Hours: 50 Hours
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