Another month down, and our final rounds of block exams as well! It feels like just yesterday I was moving from Austin to New Orleans. It's crazy to think that in a couple of months, I will be moving back. I don't know if its the final rounds of exams, but I am starting to feel nostalgic and grateful for the program. While I love to sit and reminisce, there is still the shelf exam to come next month.
February was fairly short but pretty packed. I began studying for the MCAT that I am planning to take either in April or May and began volunteering at KIPP and Edible Schoolyard again. In classes, we were taught our last block--psychopharmacology. Mental health have always been important to me, so it was nice to learn about the mechanisms of actions of the disorders and their treatments.
This semester at Edible Schoolyard, I am volunteering with the older grade levels (1st-3rd) as opposed to kinder. My first day back was life cycle day, and 1st and 2nd grade were eager to go out to the garden to look for the different stages of a plant. It was adorable watching them point out a seedlings as opposed to a blossomed flower or fruit. Third grade focused more on the end of the life cycle. They were able to pull out broccoli and cut/shred it for the compost bin. It's funny how hands on kids want to be with the dirt.
On a social note, I am very excited and a little nervous to experience Mardi Gras. I feel like I hear stories of how its usually is, but can't really wrap my mind around it. I guess its more of have to experience it for yourself situation.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Year Hours: 29.5
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