I can't believe we are one month closer to the end of the program. So much has happened this month I don't even know where to begin. At the start of the month, we had our Mardi Gras break. I've read lots of blogs on Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the only thing I agreed with is that it is definitely something you have to experience for yourself. The parades were ginormous and I collected so many beads and trinkets they are just taking up their own corner in my room. It was also so nice hanging out with my classmates outside of school to experience our first Mardi Gras together. Besides seeing the parades, I was able to go home for a while to see my friends and family. It was very relaxing seeing and being with them for a little while.
When school returned, we were in full force reviewing for our shelf exam. To be honest, nothing could have truly prepared me for the exam. I felt pretty confident on material we had learned this semester, but last semesters material was a bit more overwhelming, especially focusing on the cancer drugs (since that was one of my weaknesses). Even though we don't know how well we've done on the exam just yet, I am grateful for it so simply be over. Now I can solely focus on stoping my procrastination and studying for the mcat.
This month was a bit more hectic than I had expected it to be, so I did not get to volunteer as much as I wanted to. I am hoping to get way more hours done this coming month, especially with Edible Schoolyard since they have an upcoming evening event.
Total Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Semester Hours: 5.5 Hours
Total Year Hours: 29.5 Hours